
{3.5/5} “We’re not splitting up, we’re just going to go in two different groups.”

Coherence, released in 2013

A group of friends has gathered for dinner. A comet is passing near the Earth, and no one’s phone is working. Then people’s phone screens start shattering. Then the hydro goes off. They go outside where they notice that one house has lights, maybe 2 blocks away — 2 of them go to make a call, and then stranger things start happening.

The dialogue in this movie is more like real life — people sometimes talk at the same time, so you don’t get every word.

It felt a bit like Lost, where everyone was arguing but no one really knew what the truth was.

Watch it when you have lots of patience. Two thirds of the way through, there’s a stunning moment.

Like Time Trap, it’s an interesting concept with a not-completely-successful execution. This one is better, possibly due to better actors.

Stars Nicholas Brendon. Directed by James Ward Byrkit (writer on Rango).

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