Star Trek: Discovery — The Way to the Stars

{4.5/5} “‘You know,’ she said, ‘all those cocktail parties and fancy dinners are all very well, but who’ll be the first to complain if the lights and the food slots aren’t working? Nobody can be’ — she did air quotes — ‘”diplomatic” under those circumstances.'”

Star Trek: Discovery — The Way to the Stars by Una McCormack, published in 2019

Sylvia Tilly’s mom is an important Federation diplomat, and her dad is many light years away on a mission. Mom thinks that Tilly should become a diplomat too, and has gotten her into a new school — but it’s off Earth, on some planet she’s never heard of. She’ll have to leave Granna and Quinn and her friends. At the new school she doesn’t find diplomacy as fascinating has her roommate, but she joins the rowing team and starts an engineering club.

Now that the third season of Discovery has started — with a bang — it’s time to get caught up on the novels.

If you’re a fan of Tilly, this is the book for you. Much of it is about the time she escaped from school to go on her own adventure.

McCormack expertly found Tilly’s voice, and the story is compelling.

I’ve read 6 books by McCormack. I previously reviewed Star Trek: Picard — The Last Best Hope.

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