Doorway to the Stars

{4.5/5} “Jack, we do not want the Feds to get angry with us. Especially for no reason. If they find the package, the equipment has been in the water a long time anyhow and probably won’t work anymore. If it does, we should be able to get back to where we were, with money pouring in through the Roundhouse.”

Doorway to the Stars by Jack McDevitt, published in 2024

The alien transport system has been dismantled and dropped in Lake Superior. James Walker, former Sioux Chairman, didn’t want it getting into the wrong hands. People eventually figured out that Jack Swiftfoot was the pilot who took James to the lake. Now the current Chairman, Minora Halk, wants Jack to reveal where they took it.

This is a novella, a sequel to Thunderbird.

It’s about making a decision when many people want you to do one thing and many people want you to do the opposite. It’s about the ultimate purpose of the transport system.

It’s really for fans of the novels, who want to find out what happens next.

I liked this story quite a bit. If McDevitt writes another novel in this series, I’ll definitely read it.

I’ve read 6 books by McDevitt. I previously reviewed Infinity Beach.

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