Star Trek: DS9 — A Stitch in Time
{5/5} “The truth is that I have come to enjoy tailoring. The problems of measuring, choosing a fabric and design suitable to the person and the occasion, cutting and putting the pieces together in a comfortable and attractive fit can keep my mind away from those realities over which I have no control. And the more difficult the problem, the more peace of mind I am able to maintain.”
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson, published in 2000
When Garak returns to Cardassia after the Dominion War is over, he finishes writing the story of his life and sends it to Dr. Bashir. He stays in the shed near the rubble of his home, and goes out to help search for survivors in the rubble of his planet. As a child he cultivated an ability to remain still, quiet, invisible. After excelling at his first school where he played dangerous games of combat, he was sent to work for the Obsidian Order under the leadership of his true father, Enabran Tain.
This story is about secrets, friendship, and love. It’s about a people who are ready for a new form of government.
The childhood section has a hint of The Final Reflection to it, Cardassian upbringing being similar to that of Klingons — at least, as described in that book.
All fans of Garak will want to read this novel.
This is the 2nd time I’ve read it.
This is the only book I’ve read by Robinson.