Top Star Trek episodes
Here’s my list of top Star Trek episodes, for each of the series in the 1st and 2nd generation. I allowed for 4 episodes per season. I also allowed for 1 runner up, for an episode that’s not quite as good but still important. I also allowed for 1 “just for fun” episode, one that’s very funny but was tough to include in the main list. I made sure that, for the 2nd generation shows, I had at least 1 great episode that focused on each main character.
The Original Series
Top 12
- The Menagerie
- The City on the Edge of Forever
- Amok Time
- Mirror, Mirror
- The Corbomite Maneuver
- The Devil in the Dark
- The Enterprise Incident
- Day of the Dove
- All Our Yesterdays
- Balance of Terror
- Arena
- Journey to Babel
Runner up
- Space Seed
Just for fun
- This Side of Paradise
The Next Generation
Top 28
- The Measure of a Man
- Who Watches the Watchers
- Sins of the Father
- The Most Toys
- Yesterday’s Enterprise
- The Offspring
- Sarek
- The Best of Both Worlds
- Brothers
- Remember Me
- Future Imperfect
- The Wounded
- The Next Phase
- Darmok
- Conundrum
- Cause and Effect
- The First Duty
- I, Borg
- The Inner Light
- Face of the Enemy
- Relics
- Ship in a Bottle
- Tapestry
- Timescape
- Dark Page
- Parallels
- Lower Decks
- All Good Things…
Runner up
- Unification
Just for fun
- Samaritan Snare
Deep Space Nine
Top 28
- Emissary
- Duet
- In the Hands of the Prophets
- Necessary Evil
- Whispers
- Shadowplay
- The Maquis
- Past Tense
- Visionary
- Improbable Cause / The Die is Cast
- The Way of the Warrior
- The Visitor
- Indiscretion
- Rejoined
- Nor the Battle to the Strong
- The Assignment
- Things Past
- Trials and Tribble-ations
- Children of Time
- Statistical Probabilities
- Honor Among Thieves
- The Sound of Her Voice
- Far Beyond the Stars
- The Magnificent Ferengi
- In the Pale Moonlight
- It’s Only a Paper Moon
- Field of Fire
- What You Leave Behind
Runner up
- Blood Oath
Just for fun
- Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Top 28
- Caretaker
- Eye of the Needle
- Jetrel
- Prototype
- Meld
- Dreadnought
- Death Wish
- Lifesigns
- Resolutions
- The Chute
- Distant Origin
- The Q and the Grey
- Unity
- Year of Hell
- Message in a Bottle
- Living Witness
- Timeless
- Dark Frontier
- Course: Oblivion
- Relativity
- Equinox
- Fury
- Unimatrix Zero
- Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
- Ashes to Ashes
- Shattered
- Workforce
- Endgame
Runner up
- Flashback
Just for fun
- Body and Soul
Top 16
- Broken Bow
- The Andorian Incident
- Shuttlepod One
- The Catwalk
- Cease Fire
- Horizon
- Twilight
- Similitude
- E²
- Zero Hour
- Borderland / Cold Station 12 / The Augments
- The Forge / Awakening / Kir’Shara
- Observer Effect
- Babel One / United / The Aenar
- Affliction / Divergence
- Demons / Terra Prime
Runner up
- These Are the Voyages…
Just for fun
- In a Mirror, Darkly