Star Trek: TNG — The Devil’s Heart
{4.5/5} “T’Sara had advised him to give up the stone, or at least to stop making use of its powers. Yet, so far he had only taken part in the dreams. Surely there was no harm in that? And perhaps the dreams could show him the way to safety.” Star Trek: The Next Generation — […]
Star Trek: TNG — Pliable Truths
{4.5/5} “If every Bajoran presented themselves as a model inmate, the Cardassians would likely assume there must be illicit activity taking place. Better for the laborers to offer the occasional misdirection in the hopes of keeping their overseers distracted from those things that needed to remain concealed.” Star Trek: The Next Generation — Pliable Truths […]
Star Trek: Lost to Eternity
{4.5/5} “Yet I remind you that we already have significant assets in play on Atraz, including a shuttlecraft, the rescue party, and Captain Kirk’s own demonstrated tenacity and resourcefulness. He has escaped captivity, and survived all manner of jeopardy, on more worlds than I have time to enumerate.” Star Trek: Lost to Eternity by Greg […]
Star Trek: Burning Dreams
{4.5/5} “When, the Magistrate wondered, had they… ceased to think of the two human subjects as, well, subjects, as creatures, which was to say inferiors, and begun to think of them as co-equal? It was a puzzlement. Much of the Talosians’ certainty about what they were doing and why had been challenged by the arrival […]
Star Trek: Vulcan’s Glory
{4.5/5} “I can assure you that no mission is ever just routine. Every time we go out, we learn something. We blaze new trails into the unknown. But remember, space is not our ally. The Enterprise is This is a fine ship, and I insist on a superior crew. I know you’ll live up to […]
Star Trek: The Rings of Time
{4.5/5} “You know how the brass is frowning on time travel these days. They don’t want to risk changing history, not after some of the close calls we’ve had in the last few years. We’ll probably have some explaining to do to that new temporal investigation agency when we get back.” Star Trek: The Rings […]
Star Trek: Cast No Shadow
{4.5/5} “Their great leader Kahless knew there was a turncoat in his camp, so he made them all stand with their backs to a huge fire. When the light from the fire fell on them, one warrior, who was a spy for Kahless’s brother Molor, had no shadow. Kahless declared that because the man was […]
Star Trek: “The Mission” and Other Stories
{4.5/5} “He’s wishing for something he doesn’t have. Something he wants. If he is just a hologram programmed to react by a computer, how could he possibly wish for anything? All he would know, all he could know, is what he has. But to wish — ah, you have to be human to desire more […]
Star Trek: SNW — The Illyrian Enigma
{4.5/5} “So why does it feel like I’m betraying April’s trust? I’m upset about Una, it’s true. Am I letting that cloud my judgment? Putting my devotion to my crew above my duty as captain? I tell myself no. And try to believe it.” Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — The Illyrian Enigma by Kirsten […]
Star Trek: Discovery — Somewhere to Belong
{4.5/5} “We have survived as a civilization because each of us understands our commitment to the whole… Thanks to uncounted severe lessons, we have come to understand we can rely on no one but ourselves. In the end, we are the only ones who have never disappointed us — or betrayed us.” Star Trek: Discovery […]