Major Crimes (season 1)

{4.5/5} “Let me make you a deal.”

Major Crimes season 1, aired in 2012

The Major Crimes unit of the LA Police Department is undergoing some changes. Captain Sharon Raydor has been placed in charge of the unit, to everyone’s surprise. And they’re now going to be working with district attorneys to offer deals to murderers in order to avoid expensive trials. There’s some discord within the unit, with one member even threatening to quit. In the meantime Sharon takes Rusty, a young witness, into her home.

Major Crimes is actually a spinoff of The Closer, which I haven’t seen.

I gave this show a try because of Mary McDonnell. She is always worth watching, from Dances with Wolves to Battlestar Galactica. Here she is surrounded by a terrific group of actors and characters.

The cases are serious but the characters are often witty.

This season is short but the others are longer.

Stars G. W. Bailey and Raymond Cruz.

Created by James Duff (The Closer).

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 30th, 2016 at 2:59 pm and is filed under Reviews of TV shows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Major Crimes (season 1)”

  1. Dave Switzer Says:

    I watched this show again — it’s still great.

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