Star Trek: DS9 — Sacraments of Fire
{4.5/5} “Being Jem’Hadar had always signified obeisance and obedience to the Founders, and living a soldier’s existence. He could no longer bring himself to practice the former, but he could still attempt the latter. That was why he had elected to turn the scoutship away from the Dominion and towards the distress call’s source. The equation became simple: somebody required protection, and so he would provide it.”
Star Trek: DS9 — Sacraments of Fire by David R. George III, published in 2015
Kira has been inside the Wormhole and now finds herself in the Gamma Quadrant — and it’s 6 years in the past. Ro is supervising the arrival of thousands of civilians aboard the new DS9 — when a Bajoran arrives with an old-fashioned weapon, she’s not sure what to make of him. Because of the assassination of President Bacco, Sisko’s mission of exploration has been changed to a patrol of the border with the Tzenkethi.
This is a terrific story featuring Ro, Sisko, Kira, and Odo. O’Brien, Nog, and Quark are also around.
One interesting character is Taran’atar, a Jem’Hadar who’s not dependent on ketracel-white — he’s not sure what to do with his freedom.
It’s about people who think the Prophets are gods, and people who think they’re wormhole aliens.
It’s about people coming to terms with the fact that life is dangerous — and you can’t always anticipate when people who are supposed to on your side will attack you.
The story doesn’t end here but continues in Ascendance, which will be published soon.
The previous novel in the story of the 24th century is Star Trek: TNG — Armageddon’s Arrow. I also previously reviewed George’s novel Star Trek: The Fall — Revelation and Dust.