Enola Holmes
{4.5/5} “There are two paths you can take, Enola: yours, or the path others choose for you.”
Enola Holmes, released in 2020
Enola’s mother has disappeared, and her brothers Sherlock and Mycroft — neither of whom she’s seen in years — return home. Mycroft’s plan for Enola is to send her to a boarding school, which she emphatically does not want. She receives a secret message from her mother, and feels that she must disappear herself. She disguises herself and sets out in search of her mother.
It’s not as brilliant as some of the Sherlock Holmes we’ve seen in the last few years but it’s a fun adventure, with a surprise or two.
It’s hopeful, and if they happen to make a sequel I would certainly watch it.
Enola often turns to the camera and even speaks to it. Not everyone could pull this off, but Millie Bobby Brown does.
Stars Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, and Helena Bonham Carter. Directed by Harry Bradbeer (The Brides in the Bath). The playful music is by Daniel Pemberton.