Star Trek: Voyager — Acts of Contrition
{4.5/5} “Fife’s eyes were lit with first-contact infatuation. O’Donnell had never seen the condition listed among communicable illnesses by Starfleet Medical, but it should have been. For those with little experience with alien cultures, a day spent touring their natural and technological wonders nearly always produced this heady effect. Even the most hardened Starfleet officers usually listed ‘exploring the universe’ at the top of the list of reasons they entered the service.”
Star Trek: Voyager — Acts of Contrition by Kirsten Beyer, published in 2014
Admiral Janeway and the Voyager fleet have arrived at the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant. They hope they can establish diplomatic relations with this only federation they know about in the Delta quadrant. Seven has returned to the Alpha quadrant to help Starfleet Medical with a disease that seems to be related to the Caelar catoms. Meanwhile, Janeway is aware that Dr. Zimmerman has altered the Doctor’s programming, and a few people have noticed he’s a bit different.
This is really the 2nd book of a trilogy, following directly from Protectors and continuing into the next book.
The usual cast is joined by Reg Barclay, Cadet Icheb, and Axum, Seven’s former boyfriend from Unimatrix Zero. Scenes with Samantha Wildman are better than any she had on the show.
It’s about sometimes being helped by your family and sometimes being hurt by them, dealing with people who have different values than you, and dangerous people joining forces.
I’ve read 7 books by Beyer.