Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Warchild

{4.5/5} “‘You are asking for a miracle, Vedek Torin,’ Sisko said. ‘The Federation will help as much as possible, but we can’t promise miracles.’ The Vedek inclined his head. ‘When you first came to Bajor, you promised us peace. Is this not the greatest miracle of all?'”

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Warchild by Esther Friesner, published in 1994

People are dying of an unexplained illness in refugee camps on Bajor. Commander Sisko  asks Dr. Bashir to take a look. Meanwhile, Bajoran monks have informed Sisko that Kai Opaka prophesied that a Bajoran girl would bring peace to their planet. Sisko sends Lieutenant Dax to search for the girl.

It’s a fine story that fits between season 1 and 2. It particularly features Dr. Julian Bashir.

It’s about people who feel called to be a healer, and how they decide to best fulfill that calling.

It was nice to see Mullibok (from “Progress”) again.

This is the 1st book I’ve read by Friesner.

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