The Portable Door

{3.5/5} “‘So, what is it you do here?’ ‘We do what we can.'”

The Portable Door, released in 2023

Paul gets hired for an intern position even though the interview went terribly. He starts working for the mysterious company J.W. Wells and Co. They use magic in order to influence people, for a few seconds, in order to make them meet their mate — and things like that. Paul discovers he’s a diviner, and they want him to find something important that’s been lost — the portable door.

I like the general storyline, but I was frustrated with how it was presented.

I’m not a big fan of the situation where the protagonist is surrounded by mysteriousness and not given the information they need by the people who have it.

Things pick up once he finds the door, but that’s halfway through.

Stars Patrick Gibson, Christoph Waltz, Miranda Otto, and Sam Neill. Directed by Jeffrey Walker (The Commons). The playful music is by Benjamin Speed.

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