El Deafo
{5/5} “Just like Bruce Wayne uses all that crazy technology to turn himself into Batman on TV… I can use my own crazy technology — the phonic ear — to turn myself into a superhero, too! My power? Super hearing!”
El Deafo by Cece Bell, published in 2014
Cece becomes deaf as a young child and has to get hearing aids. She gets a special pair for school to connect with a microphone that she gives her teacher — who she can then hear very well. As for other people, she has some trouble figuring out exactly what they’re saying — she tries reading lips. She’s not interested in sign language, and she’s not interested in people pointing out her condition. She eventually finds a friend who doesn’t care about her hearing aids, which makes things much nicer.
This is a graphic novel based on the true story of the author and illustrator. She draws her people with big ears like rabbits — a charming style which fits her story perfectly.
Like Hyperbole and a Half, it’s a story filled with tragic situations but it’s also hilarious.
It features references to things like Star Trek, MASH, and Twister.
This is the 1st book I’ve read by Bell.