
{5/5} “Why we go I cannot say. What the impelling force is that makes explorers, I cannot describe. And as long as there is any mystery on this globe it is not only man’s right but his duty to try to unravel it.”

Endurance, aired in 2024

During Ernest Shackleton’s third expedition to Antarctica in 1915 his ship, the Endurance, runs into ice. Eventually, shifting ice destroys the ship and it sinks. He and his men walk and sled across snow and ice, and ride in tiny boats with freezing water drenching them. Shackleton is always optimistic in front of his men that they would survive. One hundred years later an expedition sets out with the latest in technology to find Shackleton’s ship at the bottom of the ocean.

This is a National Geographic documentary that is top notch. The true story of Shackleton and his men is astonishing — they lived through unimaginable conditions.

Footage from the expedition is combined with later interviews.

Directed by Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhely (Lost in the Amazon) and Natalie Hewit (Horizon).

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