Elementary (season 3)

Posted by Dave Switzer under Reviews of TV shows

{5/5} “I feel… okay. I feel clear about something. Our work… what we do… it’s not just a job now. It’s who I am. I’m a detective. I’m ready to embrace that. I live in this world. Your world. And I probably will for the rest of my life.” Elementary season 3, aired in 2014-15 […]

Sherlock (season 3)

Posted by Dave Switzer under Reviews of TV shows

{5/5} “I’m not a hero, I’m a high-functioning sociopath.” Sherlock season 3, aired in 2014 Most of the world, including John Watson, thinks Sherlock Holmes is dead. But he’s not — he faked his own death and set about ridding the world of Moriarty’s network of evildoers. Now Sherlock is back in London and ready […]

Sherlock (season 2)

Posted by Dave Switzer under Reviews of TV shows

{5/5} “‘Do you just carry on talking when I’m away?’ ‘I don’t know, how often are you away?’” Sherlock season 2, aired in 2012 After surviving their first encounter with Moriarty, Holmes and Watson are back solving crimes. They’ve become a bit more famous, because of the blog Watson writes about their cases. They have […]

Sherlock (season 1)

Posted by Dave Switzer under Reviews of TV shows

{5/5} “I know you’re an Army doctor, and you’ve been invalided home from Afghanistan. You’ve got a brother worried about you, but you won’t go to him for help, because you don’t approve of him, possibly because he’s an alcoholic, more likely because he recently walked out on his wife, and I know your therapist […]

Sherlock Holmes

Posted by Dave Switzer under Reviews of movies

{4.5/5} “‘Why are you always so suspicious?’ ‘Should I answer chronologically or alphabetically?’” Sherlock Holmes, released in 2009 Watson pronounces murderer Lord Blackwood dead at his hanging but later it seems that he’s been resurrected. Holmes and Watson eventually figure out that his next plan is to kill everyone in Parliament. It was a bit […]

Elementary (season 2)

Posted by Dave Switzer under Reviews of TV shows

{5/5} “The problem with rulebooks, Watson, is that they offer the illusion that leading a moral life is a simple undertaking. That the world exists in black and white. Welcome to the greys.” Holmes and Watson go to London to help Holmes’ old colleague Inspector Lestrade, and while there they run into Sherlock’s brother Mycroft […]

Elementary (season 1)

Posted by Dave Switzer under Reviews of TV shows

{5/5} “Detection is not just a skill, Watson, it’s a point of view. You need to train yourself to be alert to the bizarre, the unusual, that which has no place in any given picture.” Sherlock Holmes is just out of rehab and his father has hired him a sobriety partner, Joan Watson, who used […]