Cigarette warning labels & playground ban

Canada has had graphic warning labels on cigarette packages (covering half their surface) since 2000. Research shows that these labels help ex-smokers resist starting up again. They also help nonsmokers, including teenagers, resist starting smoking.

Cigarette warning labels help ex-smokers resist

It’s nice that Canada is leading the way in something important like this — other countries should be taking note and following suit.

In Edmonton you can no longer smoke near playgrounds and sports fields. This bylaw is intended to eliminate any second-hand smoke that children breathe in these areas, as well as reduce the number of role models they see smoking.

Smoking ban now official near playgrounds

If you’re smoking around children, you are polluting the air that they’re breathing — do you really want to do that?

What if you want to quit but are having trouble? Some people find it’s helpful to take part in a program such as the Canadian Cancer Society’s Driven to Quit program. Tobacco addiction is a medical diagnosis — some people are able to quit without help, but others will need the help of their doctors.

Program helps smokers break free of ‘tenacious addiction’

It’s never too late to quit smoking — quitting at any time will be beneficial to your health in many ways.

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