Best movies of the 1940s

Best of the best

  • Casablanca
    • It’s known as one of the great romances, but it’s also very funny. During World War II in Casablanca everyone comes to Rick’s Cafe — including his former lover, Ilsa. Humphrey Bogart plays Rick and Ingrid Bergman plays Ilsa.

Runner ups

  • Citizen Kane
    • A great movie and an astounding behind-the-scenes story. Charles Foster Kane has lots of money — he goes into the newspaper business and runs for office. Orson Welles directs and stars.
  • It’s a Wonderful Life
    • A wonderful movie about what’s important in life. George is visited by an angel, who shows him what life would have been like if he’d never been born. Jimmy Stewart plays George.

I previously listed the best movies of the 1930s.

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