Star Trek: Prey — The Hall of Heroes
{4.5/5} “The chavmajta was the Klingon equivalent of a call for a no-confidence vote: he and Martok had to put on a defense. An audience of high council members would listen to the litany of valorous acts and judge the partnership worthy, if Riker and Martok did their jobs right. But Lord Korgh, who had skyrocketed to prominence, would be prosecuting the case against them.”
Star Trek: Prey — The Hall of Heroes by John Jackson Miller, published in 2016
Korgh is trying to break the Khitomer Accords, the alliance between the Federation and the Klingons. He’s also trying to unseat Martok, the Klingon chancellor. The Unsung, now leaderless, are disagreeing about what to do next. Captain Ezri Dax and the Aventine join the search for the remaining Unsung.
This is a fitting end to the story, and the whole tale is a worthy celebration of Star Trek‘s 50th anniversary.
Ardra appears, as does Spock (briefly). It’s about working together, revelation, and redemption.
This is the 4th book by Miller I’ve read — I look forward to reading more.
I previously reviewed the 2nd book in the series, The Jackal’s Trick.