Voices of Chaos: A Novel of StarBridge
{4.5/5} “You were right, Khyriz. She did not seem alien to me, once we began to speak of dance. All those worlds out there — so many things to see….”
Voices of Chaos: A Novel of StarBridge by A. C. Crispin & Ru Emerson, published in 1998
The CLS has found another new planet of intelligent beings, the Arrekhi. After two Arrekhi study at StarBridge Academy, they send an interrelator and an interpreter. Magdalena and Alexis are there to help, but the Arrekhi have a shocking secret — a race of beings that work for them that they keep drugged.
This is the last book in the series. It’s another worthy entry. It’s about doing the right thing in tricky situations, and falling in love with whoever you fall in love with.
This is the 11th book I’ve read by Crispin, and the 1st by Emerson.
I previously reviewed the 6th book in the series, Ancestor’s World.