Record of a Spaceborn Few

{4.5/5} “The constellations changed as the Asteria continued its unending orbit, but the view from this spot always felt the same. The constancy was a comfort, a reminder that whatever unpleasantness you’d just been through was only a moment, only a blink with a vast, slow splendour.”

Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers, published in 2018

Humans left Earth in ships centuries ago, and some people are still living on those ships. Some people prefer the lifestyle, or prefer the enclosed space. Eyas is a caretaker for the dead. Sawyer has lived on a planet all his young life, but comes to a ship to see what it’s all about. Isabel is an archivist who looks forward to meeting her Harmagian friend Ghuh’loloan.

This novel takes place in the same universe as The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet and A Closed and Common Orbit but once again features a new set of characters.

It’s about people, humans and aliens, living their lives. It’s about people who live in ships not because they have to but because they want to.

It has a slice of life feel to it, but it’s nevertheless gripping.

This is the 3rd book by Chambers I’ve read. It’s all she’s written so far and I eagerly await her next one.

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