Star Trek: Discovery — Dead Endless

{4.5/5} “Command isn’t just knowing when to make a decision. It’s knowing how to inspire the people around you, encouraging them to do what they can, so you can do what you must… A crew may not be sure what heights they can reach. Their commanding officer has to have the confidence — in them — that they may lack.”

Star Trek: Discovery — Dead Endless by Dave Galanter, published in 2019

The starship Discovery’s special ability is its spore drive, which lets it travel faster than any other ship. So when an outbreak of Symbalene blood-burn happens, Discovery is called to visit infected colonies. Meanwhile, Stamets and Tilly come up with a theory that they could use the mycelial network for communication. When they try it, they receive something that might be a message — then Stamets disappears.

Despite the focus on the mycelial network, which isn’t my favourite aspect of this universe, everything else about the book is splendid. In the first half, there’s just a bit too much time spent on conversations that go nowhere because everyone is confused.

The mess hall dialogue between Tilly, Airiam, Detmer, and Owosekun is delightful. In particular, it’s nice to get to know Airiam a bit better.

The story is about first contact, taking chances, and love.

Eventually you realize that this story takes place in an alternate universe where Burnham became captain of the Discovery. One might argue that they should have gone with this universe in the show, as they wouldn’t have annoyed as many viewers.

In any case, for those of us who stuck with the show past its shocking beginning — both it and the novels form a superb part of the 3rd generation of Star Trek.

I’ve read 4 books by Galanter. I previously reviewed Star Trek: Crisis of Consciousness.

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