DS9 Millennium: Inferno

{4.5/5} “He ran aft again, remembering the time-honored truism every Starfleet officer he had known had insisted on quoting: Whoever controls engineering controls the ship. Chief O’Brien called it Scott’s first law.”

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Millennium: Inferno by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens, published in 2000

The two wormholes have merged, and outside of them the universe has ended. Inside the wormholes Captain Sisko and Weyoun are aboard the Defiant, and Dukat is aboard a Klingon ship. Sisko isn’t sure how to rectify the situation, but he’s going to try. There’s one more thing inside the wormhole — Deep Space Nine.

This is the sequel to The War of the Prophets and completes the trilogy.

The conversation between Garak and past Garak is delightful.

There’s a fair amount of technobabble, but if you read the previous 2 books you’ll want to find out what happens.

I’ve read 12 novels by the Reeves-Stevens.

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