Worlds of DS9: Trill / Bajor

{4.5/5} “Though she was well acquainted with her people’s penchant for secrecy, she also knew that Trills, like all Federation members, were proud of their free and open society. She had to believe that her people would never throw away the latter because of an habitual attachment to the former.” (from Trill: Unjoined)

Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Volume Two, published in 2005

Trill: Unjoined by Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin — Dax and Bashir head to Trill to help at an inquiry into the affair with the parasites. When they arrive there are protests in the streets, and soon an attack in the capital throws everything into chaos.

The story features Ranul Keru, from the TNG books.

It’s about everyone being upset that their government has been keeping secrets, but some people being more upset than others.

Bajor: Fragments and Omens by J. Noah Kym — Jake goes travelling on Bajor and runs into a woman he becomes very fond of. Meanwhile, Ro is on Bajor investigating the destruction of a small village — apparently deliberately by someone who was seen leaving the planet shortly thereafter.

Some of these fragments don’t come to a conclusion, but continue into the next books. Nevertheless, this is an important story, and a beautiful one for Jake.

It features Vaughn, Kira, Sisko, and Kasidy.

The story is told from multiple points of view, all interesting.

It’s partially a sequel to the episode “The Storyteller” and, more subtly, the episode “The Visitor.”

I’ve read 9 books by Martin and Mangels, plus 5 that Martin wrote alone. I previously reviewed their novel Star Trek: The Lost Era — The Sundered.

This is the 1st book I’ve read by Kym.

The previous book in the miniseries is Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Volume One.

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