
{5/5} “Though the mission was fairly small-scale and routine, it held a special significance for Paladin because it meant he’d crossed over from development to deployment. Today marked the first day of his indenture to the African Federation. International law mandated that his service could last no more than ten years, a period deemed more than enough time to make the Federation’s investment in creating a new life-form worthwhile.”

Autonomous by Annalee Newitz, published in 2017

Jack reverse engineered a drug called Zacuity and sold it to make money. But the drug has some side effects, and a few people have died. Jack didn’t intend that at all, and she wants to warn people about the legal version of the drug. But the company that makes it doesn’t want her doing that. She’s accompanied by a young man named Threezed who was indentured — but she freed him.

I’s about drug patents, some humans and robots who are autonomous and some who are not.

In a remarkable way, the two sets of main characters who are working against each other are both very sympathetic.

I like how Newitz was inspired by an Arrogant Worms song.

This is the 2nd novel I’ve read by Newitz. I previously reviewed The Future of Another Timeline.

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