Star Trek: Gateways — Cold Wars

{4.5/5} “‘No, Admiral. Returning the girl planetside is the option I do not have. Everything else is negotiable.’ ‘This isn’t,’ Jellico said firmly. ‘Commander Burgoyne… arrest Captain Calhoun.'”

Star Trek: New Frontier — Gateways: Cold Wars by Peter David, published in 2001

Captain Mackenzie Calhoun of the Excalibur has been ordered into Thallonian space because of gateway activity there. Markanians used a gateway to get to Aeron and murder the entire royal family except one girl. Captain Elizabeth Shelby of the Trident is headed to the same region. They will each go to one of the worlds who have been at war for decades.

This novel is more interesting than the other New Frontier ones I’ve read. It has a nice sense of humour.

Calhoun and Shelby are a bit more blunt than the Starfleet officers in the other series. The story involves characters such as Dr. Selar, Burgoyne, Arex, and M’Ress.

It contains an explanation for why Ceti Alpha VI exploded.

I’ve read 28 novels, 3 graphic novels, and a bunch of comic books by David. I previously reviewed Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — The Siege.

The previous novel in the series is Star Trek: Gateways — No Man’s Land.

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