Star Trek: Gateways — No Man’s Land

{4.5/5} “I had thought that actually traversing No Man’s Land would be the true challenge, but I am now starting to believe that we will encounter more difficulties simply getting along with the rest of this odd caravan. Last night, it was the Todanians. Tonight we have the Hirogen.”

Star Trek: Voyager — Gateways: No Man’s Land by Christie Golden, published in 2001

Captain Janeway is about to take Voyager into a dangerous area of space she’s calling No Man’s Land. Before they do that, she’s authorized shore leave on a class M planet. There are no higher life forms on the planet, so they’re surprised to find a dog-like creature. Then they find out where it came from — a gateway.

It’s about trying to keep a disparate group of people together during a difficult time, and dealing with people who have different values than you.

I’ve read 13 books by Golden. I previously reviewed Star Trek: The Last Roundup.

The previous book in the series is Star Trek: Gateways — Demons of Air and Darkness.

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