Fan films

{5/5} “Hold on to your bricks.”

Aside from a few Star Trek fan films like Star Trek Continues and Star Trek: Aurora, the only other fan films I’ve seen are the recent Alien 40th anniversary fan films. But this list from WhatCulture encouraged me to check some out.

The Hunt for Gollum

To start thing off, here’s The Hunt for Gollum. It’s an astonishing prequel to The Lord of the Rings, apparently taken from one of the appendices. It doesn’t stand alone, of course, but in the context of The Lord of the Rings it’s very impressive. The characters of Aragorn, Gandalf, and Gollum feel like themselves — although Aragorn seems to have a sixth sense I don’t remember him having before. The visuals are tremendous, and give you the feel of Middle-earth for those who have been there before.

The Hunt For Gollum (Redux) – Award winning Tolkien short film

Darth Maul: Apprentice

Next we have Darth Maul: Apprentice. It’s an encounter between Darth Maul and some Jedi, with a special appearance by the Emperor. It contains one of the best light saber battles ever filmed — if not the best. If the prequel trilogy had as much heart as this short, it would be worth watching.

DARTH MAUL: Apprentice – A Star Wars Fan-Film

Spider-Man: Eclipse

Here’s Spider-Man: Eclipse, a nice slice of Peter Parker aka Spider-Man’s life. We see him fighting some bad guys with acrobatic moves, and we see him with Mary Jane, who at this point knows he’s Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: Eclipse (Fan Film)

Lego Jurassic Park

Finally, here’s Lego Jurassic Park — it’s only 3 minutes but it’s very well done. It’s an impressive father-daughter collaboration using stop-motion animation.


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