Star Trek: SNW — The Illyrian Enigma

{4.5/5} “So why does it feel like I’m betraying April’s trust? I’m upset about Una, it’s true. Am I letting that cloud my judgment? Putting my devotion to my crew above my duty as captain? I tell myself no. And try to believe it.”

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — The Illyrian Enigma by Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson et al

Una Chin-Riley has been arrested. Captain Pike deviates from his mission to visit an Illyrian colony to learn more about them. The colony leader initially seems friendly but when the Enterprise arrives, he states they won’t be able to leave until Una is freed.

This is a graphic novel — the artwork is delightful.

The characters seem like themselves, and the story is a fine in-between adventure. There’s just the right amount of humour.

It’s about how ancient Vulcans are connected with a disaster on Illyria. I like how Uhura, Chapel, and Ortegas will do whatever it takes for their friend Una.

I’ve read 12 books by Beyer. I previously reviewed Star Trek: Voyager — To Lose the Earth.

This is the 1st book I’ve read by Johnson.

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