{5/5} “‘You need me to call somebody for you?’ ‘Well, I don’t think they’d hear you from here.’” Enchanted, released in 2007 The Queen doesn’t want her stepson Edward to get married because then that princess will usurp her. When Edward meets Giselle he immediately wants to marry her, but the Queen sends her somewhere […]
Just Like Heaven
{5/5} “Maybe you’re not dead. Maybe you’re just very… light.” Just Like Heaven, released in 2005 Elizabeth is a doctor who had been working for 26 hours when she gets in a car accident. She’s now in a coma. David is a widower who’s looking for a new place to live when he finds a […]
{5/5} “I have none of the usual inducements of women to marry. Fortune I do not want. Employment I do not want. Consequence I do not want.” Emma., released in 2020 Although Emma isn’t interested in marriage for herself, she prides herself on her ability to make matches for others. When her friend Harriett receives […]
Love Actually
{5/5} “Sam, you’ve got nothin’ to lose, and you’ll always regret it if you don’t!” Love Actually, released in 2003 The new Prime Minister of Britain finds himself attracted to one of his staff. Jamie finds out that his brother is sleeping with his girlfriend so he heads out to the countryside for some time […]
Jerry Maguire
{5/5} “You had me at ‘Hello.’” Jerry Maguire, released in 1996 Jerry Maguire is a sports agent who writes a revolutionary mission statement at 2:00 am and prints out a copy for everyone in his organization. He gets fired, and is left with only one client — and one accountant named Dorothy. Jerry breaks up […]
Long Shot
{5/5} “Well, I wouldn’t call the President inexperienced. I mean, he did play a President on a very popular television show for over a decade.” Long Shot, released in 2019 Charlotte is the Secretary of State — the President has promised to endorse her run for the presidency as long as she keeps doing a […]
Every Day
{4.5/5} “I’ve seen so much. I know what makes each person different, and what makes everyone the same.” Every Day, released in 2018 Rhiannon has a particularly fun day with her boyfriend Nathan. The next day he barely looks at her and meanwhile, there’s a new girl at school shadowing her. The next day she […]
Pretty Woman
{5/5} “In case I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight.” Pretty Woman, released in 1990 Edward buys companies and chops them into pieces and sells them. Vivian is a hooker. Edward makes a deal with Vivian to spend the week with him. He introduces her to polo and opera, […]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
{5/5} “Sand is overrated. It’s just tiny, little rocks.” Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, released in 2004 Joel ditches work one day and meets Clementine on the beach. She seems a bit unusual but over the course of a few encounters he warms up to her and they begin a relationship. Sometime later when […]
The Pretty One
{4.5/5} “I broke my arm once, so I can relate.” The Pretty One, released in 2013 Laurel lives at home and paints with her dad. Her twin sister Audrey is a real estate agent who visits on their birthday. When the twins are in a car accident, Audrey is killed. Laurel realizes that the people […]